Time Management Guru-itis: Mark Hurst vs. David Allen and Tim Ferriss

Time Management Guru-itis: Mark Hurst vs. David Allen and Tim Ferriss

You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry. I once asked Po Bronson how he beats writer’s block. His answer was “write about what makes you angry.” It works like a charm. If I had writer’s block, this quote from a recent Entrepreneur magazine blog post would surely make the words flow like water. What follows …

4HWW Readers' School in Vietnam Opens its Doors — Time for a Trip?

4HWW Readers' School in Vietnam Opens its Doors — Time for a Trip?

Napping after lunch at the new Vang Lam preschool in Vietnam. So cute a lumberjack would cry. Remember LitLiberation, the social media educational experiment I ran with bloggers not long ago? With zero financing or hard costs, this new model ended up raising more than $250,000 in less than a month, more than Stephen Colbert, …

From Al Gore's Chief Speechwriter: Simple Tips for a Damn Good Presentation (Plus: Breakdancing)

What happens when you say “laugh at all my jokes and I’ll breakdance for you at the end”–and someone calls you on it? This is exactly what happened to me two months ago at the Nielsen Training Conference in Atlanta. I didn’t choose the music. The fine art of distraction… and sore hamstrings sans warm-up. …

The Unusual ROI of Going Green: From Saving to Eco-Friendly Index Funds that Beat the Market

Bestselling author David Bach used to use Flonase, Alegra D, and Singulair. He used Advair for almost ten years before he made one change that eliminated all of these medications. He moved into a The Solaire, a green-optimized building in NYC. Going green is something we all know we should do, but somehow most of …

Low-Cost, High-Reward Mini-Retirements: Explore the World with International Volunteering

Low-Cost, High-Reward Mini-Retirements: Explore the World with International Volunteering

One great method for taking an expenses-paid “mini-retirement”–or adding more time to your travels without adding costs–is to work with an international volunteer organization. Some volunteer groups charge a participation fee, but there are some that will cover your food, housing–and provide you with good meaningful work–at no cost. I would like to share with …

The Lazarus Philosophy: The Danger of Expectations and The Beauty of Duty

Here are some excellent tenets of self-interested (not self-centered) lifestyle design from The Notebooks of Lazarus Long by the inimitable Robert Heinlein: Do not confuse “duty” with what other people expect of you; they are utterly different. Duty is a debt you owe to yourself to fulfill obligations you have assumed voluntarily. Paying that debt …