Understanding the Dangers of "Ego-Depletion"

Understanding the Dangers of "Ego-Depletion"

(Image: Someecards) This is a guest post by Dan Ariely, James B Duke Professor of Psychology and Behavioral Economics at Duke University. I’ve always suspected that we start each day with a limited number of decision-making points that, once depleted, leave us cognitively impaired. This is part of the reason that automating minutiae, adopting rituals, …

Richard Feynman: The Pleasure of Finding Things Out

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rz5cMSfqx6Y] Many times in the last five years, I’ve been asked: “If you could have dinner with anyone in history, who would it be?” My answer is always the same: Richard Feynman. Right alongside Seneca’s Letters from a Stoic, Feynman’s book Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman! (Adventures of a Curious Character) hugely impacted every …

How to Use Philosophy as a Personal Operating System: From Seneca to Musashi

How to Use Philosophy as a Personal Operating System: From Seneca to Musashi

(Photo credit: Graphistolage) The following interview is a slightly modified version of an interview that just appeared on BoingBoing. It explores philosophical systems as personal operating systems (for better decision-making), the value of college and MBAs, and the bridge between business and military strategy, among other things. Avi first reached out to discuss my practical …

How It Works: Clinton's "Reality Distortion Field" Charisma

How It Works: Clinton's "Reality Distortion Field" Charisma

One piece of the puzzle: getting eye contact right. Not evasive, not creepy — just right. (Photo: Mr. Theklan) This is a guest post from Michael Ellsberg, a good friend who’s spent the last several years studying interpersonal persuasion and language (spoken and unspoken). He has performed hundreds of tests in the field as the …

Tim Ferriss Scam! Practical Tactics for Dealing with Haters

Tim Ferriss Scam! Practical Tactics for Dealing with Haters

Brute force seldom works with haters. Redirection does. (Photo: Deadstar 2.0) I recently spent a week in Amsterdam enjoying bicycles, canals, Queensday, and… ahem… coffee shops. For real. Honest. The best coffee I’ve had in Europe has to be De Koffie Salon. I also gave a short keynote at The NextWeb about how to deal …