Is Technology Failing to Simplify Life?  Tim Ferriss on

Is Technology Failing to Simplify Life? Tim Ferriss on

Do you think technology simplifies or complicates life? I was recently invited to participate in a debate sponsored by The Economist, and it just went live. The proposition: If the promise of technology is to simplify our lives, it is failing. Do you agree or disagree? There are some fascinating points made by both debaters, …

How to Stop Checking E-mail on the Evenings and Weekends

[Reposted from Lifehacker, where I guest posted this article this morning.] Investment bankers aren’t known for their impulse control. Several global firms in Zurich don’t allow their bankers to check email more than twice per day. The reason is simple: the more they check email, the more compelled they feel to send email. Technologist Robert …

7 Tips for Fighting Information Overload (Plus: Competition Winners)

Do you feel like this when you see your inbox? [Watch the video first, but this is what caused it] Here are 7 tips for avoiding information overload from Ron Geraci: 1. Spot the signs. Feel alone even as you communicate with people all day? That’s a signal technology is dominating your life. 2. Take …

The Choice-Minimal Lifestyle: 6 Formulas for More Output and Less Overwhelm

The Choice-Minimal Lifestyle: 6 Formulas for More Output and Less Overwhelm

Photo: CyboRoz I was stressed out… over dog cartoons. It was 9:47pm at Barnes and Noble on a recent Saturday night, and I had 13 minutes to find a suitable exchange for “The New Yorker Dog Cartoons,” $22 of expensive paper. Bestsellers? Staff recommends? New arrivals or classics? I’d already been there 30 minutes. Beginning …

10 Computer Shortcuts: Obvious to Techies but Unknown to the Rest (Plus: New World Record)

I’ll cover my head in shame: I only discovered keyboard shortcuts about a year ago. There, I said it. Here are a few shortcuts that take out excessive mouse use and — cumulatively over thousands of computer movements per week — save hours and hours. There a million and one “shortcuts,” but learning them all …

The Holy Grail: How to Outsource the Inbox and Never Check Email Again

What if you never had to check e-mail again? If you could hire someone else to be spend countless hours in your inbox instead of you? This isn’t pure fantasy. For the last 12 months, I’ve experimented with removing myself from the inbox entirely by training other people to behave like me. Not to imitate …

12 Filtering Tips for Better Information in Half the Time: RSS, and StumbleUpon

OK, I need to clear something up… Despite how orgasmic it makes Gawker feel, their ace of spades insult from my recent NY Times piece is a partial misquote: “Mr. Ferriss says he gets most of his news by asking waiters.” The NYT article was very well done, but the truth is that I get …

How to Take Notes Like an Alpha-Geek (Plus: My $2,600 Date + Challenge)

How to Take Notes Like an Alpha-Geek (Plus: My $2,600 Date + Challenge)

I take notes like some people take drugs. There is an eight-foot stretch of shelves in my house containing nothing but full notebooks. Some would call this hypergraphia (Dostoevsky was a member of this club), but I trust the weakest pen more than the strongest memory, and note taking is—in my experience—one of the most …