How to Be Jason Bourne: Multiple Passports, Swiss Banking, and Crossing Borders

How to Be Jason Bourne: Multiple Passports, Swiss Banking, and Crossing Borders

Is it possible to become invisible without breaking the law? (Photo: gravitywave) LOS ANGELES, MID-JUNE 2008 Sitting on a plush couch in the neon-infused nightclub, I asked again: “What’s it about?” Neil Strauss glanced around and looked nervous, which I found strange. After all, we’d known each other for close to two years now. In …

LitLiberation: How to Travel the World–and Get a Personal Assistant–for Free

First, a few questions from Eastern Europe for you all. Take a minute to seriously consider each: Envision the 5 books that have most impacted your life. How would your life be different if you’d never read them? Where might you be today if you’d never met the most influential teachers in your life, past …

Mail Your Child to Sri Lanka or Hire Indian Pimps: Extreme Personal Outsourcing

Report: Many U.S. Parents Outsourcing Child Care Overseas How far can you push personal outsourcing? Can you outsource your dating? I did. Can you outsource your worrying? AJ Jacobs did. Reading to your children or bickering with your spouse? No problem. Send it all to Bangalore or Bosnia. Even mainstream media like the Wall Street …

Robert Scoble Interviews Tim Ferriss: Productivity, E-mail Fasts, GTD, and More…

I spend a good amount of time at the offices of Podtech, usually stealing their Diet Dr. Pepper and hanging out on their bean bags. A few weeks ago, however, I managed to do something resembling “work”: an interview with uberblogger Robert Scoble. This time, I was the interviewee! The camera work is much better …

Mastering the Low-Information Diet… and Pre-order Crisis!

Mastering the Low-Information Diet… and Pre-order Crisis!

Presenting “Mastering the Low-Information Diet” at the Web 2.0 Exposition in SF (Scott Beale / Laughing Squid) Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Amazon… Eric Schmidt, Chairman of Google… Tim Ferriss?! Too surreal. I presented last Sunday at the Ignite portion of the huge Web 2.0 Expo, where two groups of speakers each gave 5-minute …

How to Live Like a Rock Star (or Tango Star) in Buenos Aires…

[Editor’s note: This was written in 2007 but much still applies] One of the most common questions I’m asked is: what is your favorite place you’ve visited? While I love dozens of cities and just as many countries, I have four that immediately jump to mind: San Francisco, Tokyo, Berlin, and Buenos Aires. I’ve listed …